Floras Lake – Courtesy OPRD
Curry County, desperate for revenue in a budget crisis, floated the idea of a golf resort in Floras Lake State Park. The County owns some lands adjacent to Floras Lake, not far from the State Park, and proposed that Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept. (OPRD) give or trade to the County the northern half of the State Park. The County would combine this with its own lands to create a golf resort with two golf courses, lodging and associated commercial development. The County also requested ownership of WW II-era Cape Blanco Airport from the Oregon Aviation Department as part of its plans.
There was strong opposition to this plan, especially from residents in and near Port Orford, the town nearest Floras Lake State Park. At every meeting, whether organized by OPRD or Curry County, residents showed up in force, more than 150 strong. The Mayor and entire City Council were also opposed, as was Oregon Coast Alliance. Finally, bowing to the likelihood that OPRD would not approve an exchange or trade under its rules that exchanges must provide ‘”overwhelming public benefit'” to the Parks system, Curry County abandoned its plans.